About the Project
The Yijing is a Resource for Leaders in Our Time
The Yijing's concise, exquisitely structured presentation of social evolution can support the essential inquiry of our time: how to envision a good human society in the face of today’s spiritual, political, social, economic, and ecological chaos.
The Yijing‘s map of social development is based on natural law, wisdom, and social principles based on interdependence and virtue. This ancient text is at once spiritual, visionary, and intensely practical. Its view encompasses the profundity and complexity of human society as it emerges, is structured, and matures in harmony with the four seasons and the ecology of the natural world.
About the Author
Daniel Hessey has been translating and writing on the Yijing for about twenty years. He has been a student of Shambhala Buddhism since 1973, studying with both Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. He has served as director of Shambhala Mountain Center and has taught in the Shambhala tradition as a Shastri and as an Acharya.
Support the Project
Enlightened Society: A Shambhala Buddhist Reading of the Yijing is comprised of four volumes:
I. Introduction and Structural Analysis (in progress)
II. The Great Treatise (published)
III. The Sixty-Four Hexagrams (published)
IV. The Changing Lines (in progess)
To date, the work has been self-funded by the author. We invite your support of the completion of the remaining two volumes.